Coding Pt.5

Step (9): Create a GAME OVER sprite and hide it in the beginning of the game. Choose to show it when GAME OVER condition is met and broadcast is sent

Step (10): Hide “show score” variable and “high score” variable when the game first starts. Show scores when the GAME OVER signal is received and if score > high score, then the score becomes the new high score

Step (11): Add sound for GAME OVER

Step (12): Add sound for when snake bites apple




اختار لغتك

هذه الرسالة تظهر مرة واحدة فقط و لكن يمكنك تغيير اللغة في أي وقت من شريط التصفح الرئيسي بجوار شعار أرمسترونج

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