Arduino 🥇
This course is a part of apprentice roadmap
About Course
Course description:
Arduino is both a hardware platform and a programming language. By learning how to build circuits and code, students can add a new level of interactivity to their projects. The Arduino programming language is based on a combination of C and C++. Learn the Arduino platform and programming language to create robots, electronic toys, home automation tools, and much more. This course is an excellent learning journey for the student to understand the building blocks of Integrated circuits using breadboards, transistors, resistors, capacitors, LED, motor controls, etc.
In this course Students will explore a completely new amazing world of interesting projects using both software and hardware. They will learn the basics of Arduino, how to make general purpose input output. We will do a lot of amazing projects on LEDs, and seven segment displays. We will know how to use buttons, PWM (pulse width modulation). We will practice the most common and important programming concepts; if condition, variables, loops, increments and decrements.
Course Objectives:
- Learn the basics of Arduino hardware and software.
- Learn how to write, upload, test Arduino code.
- Learn how to use GPIO.
- Learn variables, if conditions, loops.
- Discover the seven-segment display and how it works.
- Discover PWM and how to use it.
- Learn how to read analog and digital input.
- Learn how to make analog, digital output.
- Learn how to use buttons and potentiometers.
- Learn how to use a serial monitor.
- Learn how to create functions.
- Arduino IDE
- Serial monitor
- Analog / Digital GPIO
- Variables, If condition, Loops
- Seven segments display
- Function